
Author: aditya2machhagar@gmail.com

  • Jav

    Unit-I: Java Basics 1. a) Outline the Program Structure in Java A typical Java program has the following structure: javaCopy codepublic class ClassName { // Declaration of variables (optional) public static void main(String[] args) { // Main method // Code execution starts here } // Other methods and classes (optional) } Class Declaration: Every Java…

  • sem_uhv

    UNIT 1 Explain the process of value education? Value education involves the development of moral and ethical values in individuals, aiming to guide their actions, decisions, and behavior toward what is right. It involves understanding and internalizing values like respect, compassion, honesty, responsibility, and justice through practical experiences, discussions, and teachings. What is value education?…

  • Jv

    Exercise – 3 a) Implementing Class & Objects Aim: To write a Java program to implement class mechanism. // Class implementation with different methods class MyClass { // Method with no return type and with parameter-list void displayMessage(String message) { System.out.println(“Message: ” + message); } // Method with return type and without parameter-list String getGreeting()…

  • python2

    Here’s a concise Python program to demonstrate each task listed: ### 1. Demonstrate various operators in Python:“`python# i) Arithmetic Operatorsa, b = 10, 5print(a + b, a – b, a * b, a / b, a % b, a ** b, a // b) # ii) Relational Operatorsprint(a > b, a < b, a ==…

  • Python

    https://chatgpt.com/c/673b6f9f-cde0-8004-841b-a57608ccbbee 1. Operators in Python i) Arithmetic Operators Arithmetic operators perform basic mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, etc. pythonCopy codea, b = 10, 3 print(“Addition:”, a + b) # Adds a and b print(“Subtraction:”, a – b) # Subtracts b from a print(“Multiplication:”, a * b) # Multiplies a and b print(“Division:”, a / b)…

  • DS

    #include #include // Swap two integers void swap(int *a, int *b) { int temp = *a; *a = *b; *b = temp; } // Heapify to maintain heap property void heapify(int *heap, int size, int i, int is_min_heap) { int extreme = i, left = 2 * i + 1, right = 2 * i…

  • Java Mid 2

    1. a) Define Array. Demonstrate how to declare, initialize, and access Arrays in Java with an example program. Definition: An array is a data structure that allows you to store multiple values of the same type in a single variable. In Java, arrays are of fixed size once initialized, meaning that the number of elements…

  • UHV

    1. Discuss Harmony in Family and Society 2. What are the Foundational Values for Human Relationships? The foundational values for human relationships are: These values help build strong and healthy relationships. 3. Explain the Difference Between Intensity and Competence So, intensity is about how strong feelings or actions are, and competence is about how skilled…

  • Dlco Mid2

    13.Explanation of the Circuit of Read-Only Memory (ROM) Read-Only Memory (ROM) is a type of non-volatile memory used in computers and other electronic devices to store firmware or software that is not intended to be modified frequently. It is called “read-only” because data can be read from it but cannot (or should not) be written to…

  • Code

    Exercise 1 a) Program to Display Default Values of All Primitive Data Types in Java public class DefaultValues { byte b; short s; int i; long l; float f; double d; char c; boolean bool; public static void main(String[] args) { DefaultValues obj = new DefaultValues(); System.out.println(“byte: ” + obj.b); System.out.println(“short: ” + obj.s); System.out.println(“int:…